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Test & Tag, Electrical
Australian standards and regulatory authorities require electrical test and tagging to be conducted before first use and as per the recommendations in AS3760-2010 In-Service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment.

Electrical Test and Tag
All electrical equipment in the workplace, whether in the office or factory, construction or maintenance use, is subject to constant use often resulting in damage and wear. Conducting regular inspection of your electrical appliances, tools and equipment is essential in ensuring a safe working environment.
Australian standards and regulatory authorities require electrical test and tagging to be conducted before first use and as per the recommendations in AS3760-2010 In-Service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment. Firetech Services provides an electrical test and tag service to clients ranging from small businesses to leading multi-site organisations across South Australia. For peace of mind, every 6 months a switchboard should have its RCDS injection tested (this induces a fault on the RCD to ensure it is tripping in the required minimum time and ensures the RCD is working correctly). For insurance purposes to protect your business in case of an accident, we can issue a certificate of compliance once all RCDs prove to be working correctly.
We provide you with a detailed report and asset register outlining the items which passed and any items which have failed and are to be removed from service. Where possible, items that require basic repairs may be repaired once approved by the site contact.
Firetech Services will assist you in developing an inspection schedule and reporting system that will provide evidence to regulatory authorities that a programmed inspection system is in place.
Our test and tag inspections include:
Visual Inspections
Physical Inspections
Insulation Tests
Earth Circuit Tests
Continuity Tests
Functionality tests
Leakage tests
Polarity Tests
Items we test include:
Portable RCD’s
3-Phase Tools/Equipment
Single Phase Tools/Equipment
Extension Cords