Leaders in fire protection
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Special Hazards
Routine service requirements for some pre-engineered special hazard systems are covered in AS1851

Inspection and Testing - Special Hazards
Routine service requirements for some pre-engineered special hazard systems are covered in AS1851
We offer certified and trained technicians who service and inspect special hazards systems such as FM200 Systems, CO2 Systems and high expansion foam suppression systems. Special hazards systems are used when the environment is very high-risk or prone to damage from traditional fire sprinkler systems.
A special hazard fire suppression system is typically used in areas where the facilities or assets need to be preserved or water damage would be costly. These systems work great for aircraft hangers, chemical and power plants, data centers, or museums to name some examples. At Firetech we understand the cost of downtime and process interruption. We work with you to inspect and test the system and offer 24-hour support to make sure that you are up and running in a timely manner if your systems were to activate.
Special hazard systems are engineered systems designed specifically for a space. These systems:
Quickly detect an incipient fire or heat condition
Provide early notice to allow people to evacuate
Suppress fires when fire sprinklers are not appropriate as the first and only means of fire protection
Mitigate business interruption
These systems provide early detection and notice of a fire to evacuate people quickly before the suppression system is activated.
Fire Trace System
Novec 1230 / Sapphire
N2 nitrogen
Hybrid and Water Mist - pre-engineered and engineered
CO2 high pressure and low pressure
Wet foam systems - high expansion, medium expansion, and low expansion
Dry Chemical
Liquid leveling
At Firetech Services, our technicians can provide inspections of your system on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, depending on your insurance or Australian Standards. During our inspection, we will check gauges, make sure tanks are filled and check for leakage of gas.